
September 2nd, 2014

This year’s summer contest ran from July 8th– August 25th and consisted of a $1,000.00 USD Surgical Credit giveaway. Participants were encouraged to submit their story that explained the reasons behind wanting surgery at CosMed and the benefits that plastic surgery would bring to their lives.

We received so many amazing and inspiring stories that we just couldn’t choose a winner. Help us find a winner by reading their stories and voting directly on our Facebook page were you can comment the number pertaining to your favorite story. Here are the top 10 submissions in the running:


1. Well, the big 50 is just around the corner and I decided that it was time for me. After raising my three children and having a full hysterectomy my body just was not the same. For several years, I figured it just did not matter. This lead to large weight gain and the onset of depression. I started to feel and look really old from the inside out.

A few months ago, I looked at myself in the mirror and asked why I had let myself go. I knew I had a younger more energetic me deep inside and I needed to find her again. I started my weight loss journey.  After losing a lot of weight I started feeling better on the inside but the outside looked almost worse because the sad droopy skin. The mirror and I had another conversation and I could not come up with any good reasons not to continue on the new me journey. Improving my outside to match the more youthful and energetic inside.

Plastic surgery research begins. I knew that I wanted a tummy tuck and while I was at it why not a augmentation too. I spent countless hours researching procedures and Plastic Surgeons in my area. I still had the same procedures in mind but didn’t get a good feel for the local PS. My searching lead me to CosMed. After my initial phone consultation with Dr. Quiroz I knew that I had found the place for me. I am nearing my weight loss goal and have set a survey date. I cannot wait for it to arrive and I know that I will be in great hands with Dr. Q and the whole CosMed team. It is my time now!!

2. The reason I want to have surgery at CosMed is because I know how awesome the results are post-op and how phenomenal the staff and Dr. Q are since I have already had procedures done with team CosMed. I had weight loss surgery in January of 2010 and lost 115lbs which took its toll on my body. I was insecure when I was obese and while losing the weight made me feel and look better, I was still insecure of my appearance since I now had a new set of problems: sagging loose skin in many areas!

The benefits that plastic surgery would bring to my life would be to gain confidence and security in my new body. I want to be able to be boldly confident in my body shape and appearance without having to worry about the effects of being obese. It’s truly like gaining the new identity and I have the confidence and believe that CosMed is just the team to continue with my transformation and make that happen!

3. The reason I’m entering your contest starts out with my being 53 years old and having been single for the last four years now. My friends all say I should be dating and I know it’s time, but I don’t quite have the confidence to date. I know I’m a good person and a great catch and I think it’s the way I feel about my looks.

All of sudden, I’m looking in the mirror and see my face sagging. I know I have good skin, not much sun damage, lines but no wrinkles, however, my cheeks are sagging and my mouth is turning downwards. I’ll catch my face in a mirror somewhere unexpectedly and see the look of being tired, angry or unhappy even though I don’t feel that way. I can’t help but wonder if this makes me less confident and less approachable.There is body fat on my stomach and thighs that doesn’t seem to want to move despite diet and exercise. I try not to be a superficial person but getting back in the singles world, I’m certainly paying more attention to my looks.

When I became single, I lost my financial support as well. Right now, I’m working part time and temporary work, which just barely pays the bills. My life could use a pick up and a change, that’s for sure! When I saw your contest, I know you have a good reputation and I thought, why not? You never know in life what could be a game changer!

4. I have spent the past several years raising my four girls. It’s been challenging, rewarding, and so much fun, but they’re all growing up. They’re in school and busy, just right for me to resume my career. It’s my time. I’m looking for a career opportunity in financial management, for which I am highly qualified, and am so excited for the next stage of my life. There’s just one problem. I look old. I’m 47 and although I’ve taken good care of my health and body, and I feel terrific, the years are showing on my face.

It shouldn’t happen (it’s even illegal in the United States) but it does: older workers, especially women, are discriminated against because of their age. Companies don’t want to hire employees that look or seem older, like they might be too tired or sick or bossy. Of course, by discriminating, businesses are missing out on some experienced, people-savvy, outstanding professionals. I have a master’s degree in business from a top university, and other stellar credentials for my field, and yet I’m repeatedly told that I wasn’t “right for the job.”

Fortunately, my problem can be remedied. A facelift could make me look 10 years younger, perfect for my career. A cosmetic procedure could put back into my face the youth and vitality that I feel inside. I have good skin and health, and most importantly, I’m so excited for the rest of my life! Friends, family, sports, parties, and hopefully, a great career that will be made possible in no small part by my plastic surgery!

5. After countless referrals and interviews with many so called “Top Cosmetic Surgeons” i’ve found the staff, the surgery facilities and the recovery clinic unsurpassed by any other facility stateside or in Mexico. The quality and true caring for the patients needs is amazing and I wouldn’t think of having any cosmetic procedure, be it necessary or elective, anywhere but at the CosMed Clinic. I feel all treatments and procedures are performed with my best interest and considerations in mind and my financial costs kept in check. I also feel at ease and safe within the Cosmed Wellness facilities and highly recommend my family, colleagues and friends to have any cosmetic or dermatological procedures performed here.

At this time in my life I’m not ready to settle into the “aging gracefully” adage. Years of maintaining my appearance through exercise and healthy habits won’t do for me what cosmetic surgery could do by boosting my self-esteem and encouraging me to continue to be as out going as I’ve always been. To look as young as I feel would be a tremendous affect on me physically, spiritually and emotionally. Working with young special needs children, appearance is a large factor of being accepted at first sight or being rejected until proven worthy. A soft younger looking appearance would benefit my abilities to” break the ice” at first introductions and promote more confidence in my teaching abilities with fewer physical barriers, i.e.not being the” older teacher”, but the “other teacher”.  Within the work place and social networks, cosmetic surgery would benefit my life style and boost my overall confidence and well being without the limits of feeling and looking as if i’m “aging gracefully”.

6. I have many reasons for wanting surgery at CosMed and the benefits that plastic surgery would bring about in my life. First, I would like to tell you a little about myself. I am originally from Budapest, Hungary now living in San Diego. I am the face and model of my own online clothing store. I am a Promotional Model for various businesses throughout California and some internationally. I am also the Manager of a well know Jazz musician that is known throughout the country.  I lost about 20 pounds and the shape and size of my breasts have changed. I would like bigger fuller breasts. I am very active in keeping my body in shape, as a result my breasts have become smaller. I have lost at least 20 pounds since my last surgery. I live a very active lifestyle so I am always on the go.  Two benefits that cosmetic surgery would bring to my life would be to build my self esteem and to open the door for better modeling and acting opportunities. Maintaining the interior and exterior of my body is very important to me and in the modeling world to achieve success. I want to look the best that I can possibly look and I know that COSMED can help me achieve that. I hope you enjoyed reading my story as I enjoyed writing it. I appreciate your time and thank you for listening.

7. I live in Australia on the gold coast I have recently inquired about a Brazillian but lift, fat transfer. My story for me is somewhat very personal. I am 26 years old and have a daughter who is 3. I am a single mother . A few years ago I was heading down a bad road I met what I though was the love of my life and found out I was pregnant I turned my life around for stability and a family and never looked back.  So I found out I was pregnant then 2 weeks later he took of to Sydney to his family and demanded that I came with out  saying goodbye to my family and friends , I told him I would meet him there in a week I just really needed to say good bye to the gold coast as I was born hear and my whole life was here. So he took off without saying goodbye. I was left pregnant on my own feeling helpless, I knew someone who loved and cared about someone would not do this. I gave birth to my daughter on the gold coast, he did not come to see her until 2 months later . He asked us to move down to Sydney promising me the world and a engagement. I accepted and we packed up my car and drove down . About 2 months later he started the abuse verbally, mentally and physically.  I felt so trapped I had no one to turn to . Not long later my father passed away, I never got to say goodbye to him me and my father were extremely close and we lived together prior to me moving to Sydney. Things were getting bad I would wear cloths to cover the marks along with a fake smile. I put on about 25kg and had been diagnosed with depression, this went on for approximately a year until one night the police came around I was so thankfully I was finally free from all the abuse and got the courage to call my family and my mother flew down the next day I packed up and left.  I didn’t realize until I moved back home and looked back on things and snapped out of it how lucky we were to be alive.

It has taken me a long time to get over things and I have now just started moving forward with my life. This is why I will be getting this surgery done. I also am a qualified personal trainer so I no I will be able to keep the fat off.

This would mean the world to me to win this competition.  And also for me to share my experience with the world would mean a lot as domestic violence is not acceptable and if I can do it so can anyone. Look forward to visiting your clinic soon.

8. I have given birth to 4 children, each one over 8 lbs at delivery. When my last child was born, my stomach was a road map of stretch marks, with excess skin; I gained about 50 lbs with each pregnancy. It has always been my dream to have a flat stomach again. To begin realizing my dream, I began my self-improvement journey 12 years ago. I lost 30 lbs and learned how to make lifestyle changes to maintain my weight loss. Healthy relationships with others and myself were also important aspects in my journey. The changes in diet enabled me to stop taking medications for high blood pressure and depression. I also started to exercise again.

For the past 4 years I have been extremely focused and motivated to create the body that I have always dreamed of with lifestyle change and regular exercise. I work out hard at the gym  at least 4 times a week, and am very active outdoors cycling, skiing, and walking when I am not at the gym. I have built muscle and my body is very toned.  The only thing that is standing in the way of having the dream body that I have wanted for the past 20 years after childbirth is the excess skin that cannot be dissolved with exercise. I have done all I can and am very focused and motivated, but surgery is the only way to tighten the excess skin. I want to do it for ME!

I have never felt as healthy and fit as I do today due to hard work and focus. Having a tummy tuck would be a dream come true for me! I would be extremely ecstatic to look and my body and see tight abdominal skin again! CosMed can do that for me!

9.  Hello I am writing my story in hopes of winning credit towards a Breast augmentation, reconstruction and lift. I am 35 years old. I have one son who is 12.  I am a single mother who works full time and is also involved in my sons Boy Scouts, clarinet and church groups.  I normally wouldn’t have been so worried about my appearance, especially with something that can be masked and covered up by a bra or shirt however it has really hindered my confidence significantly.  My breasts grew to a very large size when I was pregnant and nursing and after I had my son they basically look like deflated water balloons, it has been terrible!!! When I buy a bra they aren’t even supported by that, the skin is just all over the place and I can never find a bathing suit that looks right.  I can’t wear strapless bras because of them being so saggy they need to be held up.  I have had many many meltdowns because I cannot wear certain clothes and I never feel sexy or comfortable naked.  I have actually covered myself up in embarrassment with my boyfriend and have cried just because I do not feel that I look sexy or attractive.  This is my life long goal, want, desire to have my breasts fixed, so that I may have the confidence and ability to wear a bathing suit, to wear a tank top or be naked when intimacy times come around.  I would so appreciate the opportunity to have this procedure. It literally would change my life, my outlook.  I also know that the doctors are great as Dr. Fuentes completely fixed my ears that were deformed from birth! I now can wear my hair up in a ponytail!

10. I am a military wife that has struggled with my weight and body image. After having children and loosing over 100lbs my skin and breast tissue were not in very good shape. I had uneven breasts, rolls, and stretch marks that made me embarrassed to wear a bathing suit or to undress in front of my husband.   I would like a  breast augmentation and inner thigh lift because my unevenly sized breast make it hard to find bras and shirts that fit the proper way. My thighs cause exercising to be nearly unbearable. And cause sores from rubbing in my jeans. I would also like to have the confidence to dress and feel sexy again. I do not want to be a prisoner in my body anymore. Please, Pick me!!! Dr. Q did my lift, tummytuck, and Brazilian butt lift. I have had great experiences with CosMed and constantly recommend CosMed to my friends who are amazed at my results. I really could use this credit toward my breast implants and my total transformation will be done.  Love you Dr. Q!!

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